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Elfia Haarzuilens 2025

12 & 13 april
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The kingdom of Elfia has representatives in the terrestrial world. They are the ambassadors of Elfia and are led by the Marshal of the Elfian Diplomatic Corps: Roly Rotherham. Elfia currently has 12 ambassadors who, in principle, stay on for 4 years.

Ambassador for Elfia: something for you?

Are you a resident of a country that does not yet have an Elfia ambassador, and are you interested in representing and promoting Elfia in your country, please register at the office of our diplomatic corps in Spain via email: diplomaticcorps@elfia.com . Clearly describe your motivation. There are several possibilities:

  • if the country of your nationality already has an ambassador, your candidacy will be considered for the period after the term of the current ambassador has expired
  • if the country of your nationality does not yet have an ambassador, and if you are found suitable to represent and promote Elfia in your country, you can be appointed as an ambassador fairly quickly. Your official installation will then take place at the next Elfia event


Conditions to become an ambassador?

Ambassadors are the official representatives of the kingdom of Elfia. Elfians residing at a certain time in a country where an Elfia embassy is located can turn to this embassy. In special cases, an embassy can issue a temporary travel document to an Elfian to return to Elfia. The conditions to become an ambassador are:

  • of course you have a warm heart for Elfia
  • you are prepared to vote annually for a new head of state together with the other ambassadors. See the relevant web page for this here
  • in addition to being Elfiaan, you have the nationality of the country where your embassy is located and you are mostly located, and the working language of that country is your mother tongue