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Elfia Haarzuilens 2025

12 & 13 april
30 June 2020

We need your input!

Arcen 2020 News

Dear Elfian,

The Dutch government has recently issued a statement regarding organising events during the current coronavirus situation.

Even though there are still a lot unknowns and uncertainties in the announced policies, we’re seeing possibilities again to host an Elfia edition this September in Arcen.

However, of one thing we are pretty sure and that is that the upcoming edition of Elfia will be different than usual.
There will be more space on the festival grounds for you to move around safely, with less room for large stages and market stalls. We will also have to deal with the fact that not all visitors will be able to enter the festival at the same time, therefore we will have to work with fixed arrival time slots. As it stands now, we will also have to ask you to maintain the Dutch 1.5 meter social distancing rules, something that’s obviously unnatural for an Elfian.

We will do our utmost to keep up the familiar Elfian atmosphere, however safety and (health) wellbeing will be paramount to us – for both you and your fellow Elfians.

It’s a difficult for us to balance the real Elfia experience with all these guidelines in mind, that’s why we need your help! We want to ask you how likely you might be attending Elfia in September and what your biggest consideration is on going or not going. Are you for example worried about your health or are the activities that currently cannot take place decisive for you.

Can we ask two minutes of your time to let us know how you feel about this, by answering these two questions in the form below?

We’d like to thank you for your feedback in advance, without you Elfia wouldn’t exist regardless of the current situation.

We hope to see you in September!

Team Elfia