Archery workshops: Shoot like your favourite fantasy archer
You have probably seen them during past editions… you favourite fantasy archers. Robin Hood, Katniss Everdeen, and more. These awesome characters are the perfect archers and rarely ever miss a shot. Wouldn’t we all like to be as good as them? Well, let’s start practising oncoming edition!

At Cool-arrow, you get the chance to try your hand at archery in multiple awesome workshops. There will be four workshops spread over the two days. Both days, they’ll be at 11:00h and 15:00h.
The workshops in which you can participate are:
Be Legolas
Learn to shoot like the elven legend and how to quickly fixate your arrows. Use your newly learned skills to help the hobbits to Isengard!
Real Robin Hood
Shoot with a 12th and 13th-century style longbow. Will you use your archery to help the poor?
Prince of Persia
Try your hand at Asian archery and learn how to shoot with a thumb ring.
The Hunger Games
Learning how to shoot is great, but what is even greater? Learning how to get your new skills in great shots during photoshoots! Make sure your pictures look even better by having the proper pose while standing in front of a camera.
Every workshop is available for 10 participants, so make sure to register at Cool-arrow!